It’s hard to believe it’s almost been two months since this day … deliveries from Bucks County storage, and deliveries from a North Carolina receiver with an entire household of new furnishings! Below is my bare great room with the simple beginnings of two sofas and two booked coffee tables. As exciting as the move is, after several months and several trips for a week at a time and a 24/7 effort with hard work as a team with my supportive and hard working husband, It’s really just plain hard work! (I guess my run-on sentence is a pretty good description of how I feel!)

For months, this miniature floor plan traveled with me almost everywhere! I made legends with multiple options for furniture placement, anticipating our deliveries. I pondered measurements, heights, widths and overall style of my favorite pieces of furniture, most collected over years of several homes.
As the deliveries began to come in, changes were made more than several times! Stacks of boxes dressed every corner of the house, and my joyful anticipation quickly turned to frustration and exhaustion. Let’s face it, I own a lot! I’ve been a collector for 30 years…dishes, vintage linens, art, vintage silver, books, books, and more books.
Where to put my valued treasures? Each day seemed to bring renewed challenges and the need to edit.

I will admit, it was delightful to reconnect with favorites like this vintage china set and box after box of vintage silver that has been stored for the last 9 months. How pleasing indeed!

I’m documenting this space as an empty beginning in order to show you the progress I have made in the last several months. It actually does make me feel better to recall the house in this state of affairs! Even now, each time we visit, I feel like I’m spinning my wheels and it is difficult to imagine a time when our most anticipated North Carolina retreat becomes just that!
I’ll be going down again in a few weeks, and I’ll give you an update that should prove interesting. Lots has been done and lots yet to do!
And so, I’ll say it one more time…moving is hard. *sigh*