Susan Taylor
home store

Get ready for style watch reports

Here we are in July once again and the Atlanta summer market will begin tomorrow! It seems to us (Linda and I) that as our familiar hotels, one by one, update and become very stylish with the interior trends we love, they become substantially smaller in the storage! That doesn’t really work well for two high maintenance girls:

12 pair of shoes between us…where do they go?

2 drawers, one each. Small drawers. Oh. My.

Small sink with basic working space for one. One.

A refrigerator that is a “cooler”: basically, not cold.

So, while our ceiling high headboards upholstered in white channeled vinyl are super chic and there are multiple outlets for Internet devices, as well as purely comfortable beds of memory foam … two gals who have lots of “stuff” are a bit cramped!

I suppose that is the price we pay for style. *sigh*

jewelry organizing at the Atlanta interior design market

Tomorrow begins our weeklong trek of three buildings, 20 floors each. We will be searching for the newest, most unique, and most stylish introductions that we can find with that “oh so Susan” flavor. I’ll give you a report at the end of each day with photos of goods and bads, better and best! Shoe reports, color trends and our favorite picks in all categories. Check in daily and enjoy the ride with us!