My day of fabulous finds began early as we visited several of my favorite inspirational showrooms. There is always an air of anticipation on the first day of market! Stylish designers abound as the doors are opened to entice all in, each vendor vowing to outdo their neighbor with the best finds and more alluring trends.
Along with placing orders for fabulous new inventory for my retail store, Black-eyed Susan, the list for special design projects and darling clients is long and detailed. Today, in our search for the finishing touches for the new bedroom for the cutest ever two-year-old twins, we came across some oh-so-cute options! I thought I would share a few…
This changing table and mirror just about stole my heart for a new baby room! A bit of modern, almost midcentury modernism with a polished reclaimed look. The removable changing tray prepares the chest for another age and keeps the nursery oh so stylish! I’m in love.
And here’s the matching crib! It has the power to be transformed into a twin bed when needed! I think I this just might be the most stylish, adorable nursery/toddler element to room design that has been introduced at market ever! I’m definitely ready for another nursery design project. I hope you will call me…grandchildren need cool rooms too!
Just look at this bedding and drool….I can’t stand it! It was an “Oh So Susan” find for sure!
A closeup reveals more detail…
Last of all, here is a glimpse at what happens a few years down the road…
Sweet dreams, dear one. Babies. Need. Style.